Date: Sunday April 24th , 2022
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Zoom Meeting
We would like to see as many members of the association attend this meeting as we will be reviewing the past season 2021-2022 for the association.
Due to the Covid-19 Virus situation that we are all still dealing with we will conducting our AGM by Zoom to facilitate us adhering to the existing covid-19 guidelines. The directions to access the Zoom Meeting for our AGM will be posted on the web page shortly as soon as we complete the arrangements with BC Ringette who will be hosting the meeting again.
We must try to fill some vacant Executive positions that we currently have on our board for the association. Volunteering for an executive position on the board is a great way for members to get involved more with our association.
The board of the Coquitlam Moody Ringette Association looks forward to having all of the members of the association at this important Zoom meeting.
Thanks, Steven Robb
President - Coquitlam Moody Ringette Association