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Bench Staff

Bench Staff Training

For a list of current available Coaching Courses available please visit RingetteBC

Or contact

Practice Drills - Check out National Ringette School's weekly drills for players and goalies and West Ottawa's goalie drills.  

Coaches Code of Conduct - hand in to Team Manager at beginning of season

Criminal Records Review (CRR) for Coaches and Managers (only valid within 3 years of approval date)
All bench staff, managers, and any other volunteers who will have player interaction, need a Police Information Check (PIC).

To request a free criminal record check online:

1. Go to link:

2. Enter Access Code for EIV: (obtain from your Manager or

3. Click "Request a New Criminal Record Check"

4. Click NEXT after confirming you are associated with CPMRA

5. Provide consent.

6. Fill out your personal information.

7. Follow the instructions on the remaining pages.

Alternatively, volunteers can take a volunteer letter to their local City’s Police Department and do it manually for free. Contact for a request letter. Deliver CRR’s done this way to the VP Admin.




Emergency Action Plans

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